Thursday, March 7, 2013

Week 1 - Mid-week Update

Well, I've been trying really hard losing the weight.  Exercise wise, I haven't done much.  I walk to and from school which is about 45 minutes each way with a backpack.

Food wise?  Let's stay away from that subject.  Because I'm broke right now, I have been eating poorly.  On Sunday, I'll be able to get healthier foods so until then, I'm trying to limit the foods I eat.

I am feeling better about myself already.  I can't wait to see what the weigh in on Tuesday will bring me.  I feel more energetic too.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Let's try this again...

So, the last time I tried this, it failed.  Horribly.  Now that we're into the 3rd month of 2013, I really want to lose this weight.  I got a little bigger, but that's ok.  I am not too discouraged.  But, I decided that I am going to really lose the weight this time.  
I have the support of my boyfriend now.  We are going to lose weight together (hopefully) and we have even made a friendly competition about it.  He probably doesn't remember, but I said if I lose the weight before he does, he'd have to take me out for a really amazing date.  We all want that romantic movie date, right?
So here I go, FOR SURE THIS TIME.  In order for me to feel better about myself, I have to lose the weight.

Beginning Weight: 153 lbs
Goal Weight: 109 lbs.
Pounds to go: 44 lbs.

I am going to update everyday but I am only going to weigh myself once a week.  I will take a picture of my belly each week so I can see the progress tracked.  I can't wait to start seeing results!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

So it begins.

I made this blog a long time ago, but never really did anything with it. I wanted to lose weight in time for summer (which is now) so I can wear a bikini. I don't know why, but I somehow stopped. I was doing so well.
But I woke up today sick of it all. When it gets to the point where I look in the mirror and am unhappy with myself, things need to change.
I am re-starting this blog to help me keep track of my goals and progress. If you would like to post your secrets, tips, encouragement, or questions, please feel free to do so.
I guess I should start with my long-term goals.
Long-term Goals
  • Get a flat tummy.
  • Fit into size 0 clothes.
  • Be happy about the way I look.
How am I going to get there? I don't want to start big. That will just overwhelm me. So my short-term goal is to drop one jean size.
Right now, I am a 9 in jeans. I will post a picture of my belly here too.
I would like to clarify right now, feel free to comment on this blog, I encourage it. But this blog is about my journey. This isn't supposed to be a horrible experience for me. If you don't have anything nice to say, just don't say it. Your comment will be deleted. If you continue to trash my blog with your negativity, I will ban you. Plain and simple.
I got this really awesome game from my mom for Christmas and I have barely used it. It's one of those Zumba games. I figured that would be a good place to start to lose weight. I am going to cut back on soda and eventually cut it out entirely.
So, here I go. My journey to lose weight. Get skinny. Be happy with myself. Good luck to those who are on this same road, I know it's going to be a hard one, but I have people in my life willing to support me. I probably wouldn't be able to do it without them.
 Short-term goal: Lose one jean size. (From size 9 to 8).
Long-term progress: Flat tummy? No go. Jeans? 9 more to go. Happy? Barely.